Uses of Interface

Packages that use TagCheck

Uses of TagCheck in org.w3c.tidy

Classes in org.w3c.tidy that implement TagCheck
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckAnchor
          Checker implementation for anchors.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckAREA
          Checker implementation for area.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckCaption
          Checker implementation for table caption.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckForm
          Checker implementation for forms.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckHR
          Checker implementation for hr.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckHTML
          Checker implementation for html tag.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckIMG
          Checker implementation for image tags.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckLINK
          add missing type attribute when appropriate.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckMap
          Checker implementation for image maps.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckMeta
          Checker implementation for meta tags.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckSCRIPT
          Checker implementation for script tags.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckSTYLE
          Checker implementation for style tags.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckTABLE
          Checker implementation for table.
static class TagCheckImpl.CheckTableCell
          Checker implementation for table cells.

Fields in org.w3c.tidy declared as TagCheck
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.ANCHOR
          CheckAnchor instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.AREA
          CheckAREA instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.CAPTION
          CheckCaption instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.FORM
          CheckForm instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.HR
          CheckHR instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.HTML
          CheckHTML instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.IMG
          CheckIMG instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.LINK
          CheckLINK instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.MAP
          CheckMap instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.META
          CheckMeta instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.SCRIPT
          CheckSCRIPT instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.STYLE
          CheckSTYLE instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.TABLE
          CheckTABLE instance.
static TagCheck TagCheckImpl.TABLECELL
          CheckTableCell instance.

Methods in org.w3c.tidy that return TagCheck
 TagCheck Dict.getChkattrs()
          Getter for chkattrs.

Methods in org.w3c.tidy with parameters of type TagCheck
 void Dict.setChkattrs(TagCheck chkattrs)
          Setter for chkattrs.

Constructors in org.w3c.tidy with parameters of type TagCheck
Dict(java.lang.String name, short versions, int model, Parser parser, TagCheck chkattrs)
          Instantiates a new Tag definition.

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