flush() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.Out
Flush the stream.
flush() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.OutJavaImpl
flushLine(Out, int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.PPrint
foldCase(char, boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
Fold case of a char.
forceOutput -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
output document even if errors were found.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
CheckForm instance.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
character encoding error: found utf16.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
parser for frameset.
freeAttrs(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
Free node's attributes.
fromCode(int) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage.Level
Returns the Level instance corresponding to the given int value.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
states for ISO 2022 A document in ISO-2022 based encoding uses some ESC sequences called "designator" to switch
character sets.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
state ESC.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
state ESCD.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
state ESCDP.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
state ESCP.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
checker for "submit" attribute.
- generalInfo(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints tidy general info.
- getAdapter() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Return the org.w3c.dom.Attr adapter.
- getAdapter() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Returns a DOM Node which wrap the current tidy Node.
- getAltText() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- default text for alt attribute.
- getAsciiChars() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- convert quotes and dashes to nearest ASCII char.
- getAsp() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Getter for
- getAttrByName(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Returns an attribute with the given name in the current node.
- getAttrchk() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Attribute
- Returns the checker for this attribute.
- getAttribute() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Getter for
- getAttribute(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getAttributeNode(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getAttributeNodeNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getAttributeNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getAttributes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getAttributes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getBaseURI() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getBreakBeforeBR() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- break-before-br - output newline before <br>.
- getBurstSlides() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- create slides on each h2 element.
- getBytes(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Should always be able convert to/from UTF-8, so encoding exceptions are converted to an Error to avoid adding
throws declarations in lots of methods.
- getCDATA(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Create a text node for the contents of a CDATA element like style or script which ends with </foo> for some
- getChildNodes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getChildNodes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getChkattrs() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Getter for
- getCode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Entity
- Getter for
- getCode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage.Level
- Returns the int value for this level.
- getColumn() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage
- Getter for
- getConfiguration() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Returns the actual configuration
- getCurcol() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.StreamIn
- Getter for
- getCurcol() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- Getter for
- getCurline() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.StreamIn
- Getter for
- getCurline() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- Getter for
- getData() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCharacterDataImpl
- getData() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMProcessingInstructionImpl
- getDefaultAttributeTable() -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttributeTable
- Returns the default attribute table instance.
- getDefaultEntityTable() -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.EntityTable
- Returns the default entity table instance.
- getDelim() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Getter for
- getDict() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Getter for
- getDoctype() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getDocType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- user specified doctype.
- getDocumentElement() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getDocumentURI() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getDomConfig() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getDropEmptyParas() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- discard empty p elements.
- getDropFontTags() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- discard presentation tags.
- getDropProprietaryAttributes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- discard proprietary attributes.
- getElementById(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getElementsByTagName(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getElementsByTagName(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getElementsByTagNameNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getElementsByTagNameNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getEmacs() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true format error output for GNU Emacs.
- getEncloseBlockText() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true text in blocks is wrapped in <p>'s. return true
if tidy should will text text in blocks in <p>'s.
- getEncloseText() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true text at body is wrapped in <p>'s.
- getEntities() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getErrfile() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Errfile - file name to write errors to.
- getErrorCode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage
- Getter for
- getErrout() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Errout - the error output stream.
- getEscapeCdata() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
-replace CDATA sections with escaped text.
- getFeature(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getFirstChild() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getFirstChild() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getFixBackslash() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- fix URLs by replacing \ with /.
- getFixComments() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- fix comments with adjacent hyphens.
- getFixUri() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output BODY content only.
- getForceOutput() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output document even if errors were found.
- getFriendlyName(String, Object, Configuration) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.ParseProperty
- Returns the "friendly name" for the passed value.
- getHideComments() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- hides all (real) comments in output.
- getHideEndTags() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- hide-endtags - suppress optional end tags.
- getIcon(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyBeanInfo
- getImplementation() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getInCharEncodingName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Getter for
- getIndentAttributes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- newline+indent before each attribute.
- getIndentCdata() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- indent CDATA sections.
- getIndentContent() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- indent - indent content of appropriate tags.
- getInputEncoding() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getInputEncoding() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
the character encoding used for input.
- getInputStreamName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- getInternalSubset() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getJoinClasses() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- join multiple class attributes.
- getJoinStyles() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- join multiple style attributes.
- getKeepFileTimes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true last modified time is preserved.
- getLastChild() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getLastChild() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getLength() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- getLength() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCharacterDataImpl
- getLength() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeListByTagNameImpl
- getLength() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeListImpl
- getLevel() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage
- Getter for
- getLine() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage
- Getter for
- getLiteralAttribs() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true attributes may use newlines.
- getLocalName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getLogicalEmphasis() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- replace i by em and b by strong.
- getLowerLiterals() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- folds known attribute values to lower case.
- getMakeBare() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- make-clean - remove Microsoft cruft.
- getMakeClean() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- make-clean - remove presentational clutter.
- getMessage(int, Lexer, String, Object[], TidyMessage.Level) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Generates a complete message for the warning/error.
- getMessage() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage
- Getter for
- getModel() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Getter for
- getName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Attribute
- Returns the attribute name.
- getName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Getter for
- getName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Entity
- Getter for
- getNamedItem(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- getNamedItemNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- Not supported, returns
- getNamespaceURI() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getNext() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Getter for
- getNextSibling() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getNextSibling() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getNodeName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getNodeName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCDATASectionImpl
- getNodeName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCommentImpl
- getNodeName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getNodeName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getNodeName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getNodeName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMTextImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCDATASectionImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCommentImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMProcessingInstructionImpl
- getNodeType() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMTextImpl
- getNodeValue() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getNodeValue() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getNotations() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getNumEntities() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output entities other than the built-in HTML entities in the numeric rather
than the named entity form.
- getOnlyErrors() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- only-errors - if true normal output is suppressed.
- getOptionValues() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.ParseProperty
- Returns the valid values.
- getOut(Configuration, OutputStream) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.OutFactory
- Returns the appropriate Out implementation.
- getOut(Configuration, Writer) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.OutFactory
- Returns the appropriate Out implementation.
- getOutCharEncodingName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Getter for
- getOutputEncoding() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
the character encoding used for output.
- getOwnerDocument() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getOwnerDocument() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getOwnerElement() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getParentNode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getParentNode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getParseErrors() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- ParseErrors - the number of errors that occurred in the most recent parse operation.
- getParser() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Getter for
- getParseWarnings() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- ParseWarnings - the number of warnings that occurred in the most recent parse operation.
- getPhp() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Getter for
- getPrefix() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getPreviousSibling() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getPreviousSibling() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getPrintBodyOnly() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output BODY content only.
- getPublicId() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getQuiet() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- quiet - no 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary.
- getQuoteAmpersand() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output naked ampersand as &.
- getQuoteMarks() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output " marks as ".
- getQuoteNbsp() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output non-breaking space as entity.
- getRawOut() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- avoid mapping values > 127 to entities.
- getRepeatedAttributes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- keep first or last duplicate attribute.
- getReplaceColor() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- replace hex color attribute values with names.
- getSchemaTypeInfo() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getSchemaTypeInfo() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getShowErrors() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- number of errors to put out.
- getShowWarnings() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- show-warnings - show warnings?
- getSmartIndent() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- SmartIndent - does text/block level content effect indentation.
- getSpaces() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- default indentation.
- getSpecified() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getStderr() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- getStreamIn(Configuration, InputStream) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInFactory
- Returns the appropriate StreamIn implementation.
- getStreamIn(Configuration, Reader) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInFactory
- Returns the appropriate StreamIn implementation.
- getStrictErrorChecking() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getString(byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Should always be able convert to/from UTF-8, so encoding exceptions are converted to an Error to avoid adding
throws declarations in lots of methods.
- getSystemId() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentTypeImpl
- getTabsize() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- tab size in chars.
- getTagName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- getTarget() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMProcessingInstructionImpl
- getTextContent() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getTidyMark() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- add meta element indicating tidied doc.
- getToken(short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Gets a token.
- getTrimEmptyElements() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- trim empty elements.
- getType() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.ParseProperty
- Returns the option type.
- getUpperCaseAttrs() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- uppercase-attributes - output attributes in upper case.
- getUpperCaseTags() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- uppercase-tags - output tags in upper case.
- getUserData(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- getUTF8(byte[], int, int[]) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.PPrint
- return one less than the number of bytes used by the UTF-8 byte sequence.
- getValue() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Getter for
- getValue() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- getVersions() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Attribute
- Returns the html versions in which this attribute is supported.
- getVersions() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Getter for
- getWholeText() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMTextImpl
- getWord2000() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- draconian cleaning for Word2000.
- getWrapAsp() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within ASP pseudo elements.
- getWrapAttVals() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within attribute values.
- getWrapJste() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within JSTE pseudo elements.
- getWraplen() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- default wrap margin.
- getWrapPhp() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within PHP pseudo elements.
- getWrapScriptlets() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within JavaScript string literals.
- getWrapSection() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within <!
- getWriteback() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- writeback - if true then output tidied markup.
- getXHTML() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output-xhtml - output extensible HTML.
- getXmlEncoding() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getXmlOut() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output-xml - create output as XML.
- getXmlPi() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- add <?
- getXmlPIs() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
This option specifies if Tidy should change the parsing of processing
instructions to require ?
- getXmlSpace() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed.
- getXmlStandalone() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- getXmlTags() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- input-xml - treat input as XML.
- getXmlVersion() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- hasAttribute(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- hasAttributeNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- hasAttributes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- hasChildNodes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- hasChildNodes() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- hashCode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage.Level
- hasOneChild() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Does the node have one (and only one) child?
- HEAD -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for head.
- helloMessage(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints tidy hello message.
- helpText(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints tidy help.
- hideComments -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- hides all (real) comments in output.
- hideEndTags -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- suppress optional end tags.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- UTF-16 high surrogate.
- HR -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckHR instance.
- HTML -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for html.
- HTML -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckHTML instance.
- htmlOut -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- output plain-old HTML, even for XHTML input.
- htmlVersion() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Choose what version to use for new doctype.
- htmlVersionName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Choose what version to use for new doctype.
- ID -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for ids.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: id and name mismatch.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for attributes referencng an id.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- state: ignore markup.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- state: ignore whitespace.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- illegal nesting.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: illegal URI reference.
- IMG -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckIMG instance.
- implicit -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- true if inferred.
- importNode(Node, boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- in -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- file stream.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- inconsistent namespace.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- inconsistent version.
- indentAttributes -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- newline+indent before each attribute.
- indentCdata -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- indent CDATA sections.
- indentContent -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- indent content of appropriate tags.
- inferredTag(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Generates and inserts a new node.
- INFO -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage.Level
- level = info (1).
- init() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- Initializes the task.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for inline.
- inlineDup(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- This has the effect of inserting "missing" inline elements around the contents of blocklevel elements such as P,
TD, TH, DIV, PRE etc.
- inode -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Inline stack for compatibility with Mosaic.
- insert -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- for inferring inline tags.
- insertBefore(Node, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- Not supported.
- insertBefore(Node, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- insertData(int, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCharacterDataImpl
- Not supported.
- insertDocType(Lexer, Node, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- The doctype has been found after other tags, and needs moving to before the html element.
- insertedToken() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- inserting tag.
- insertMisc(Node, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Insert a node at the end.
- insertNodeAfterElement(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Insert node into markup tree after element.
- insertNodeAsParent(Node, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Insert node into markup tree in pace of element which is moved to become the child of the node.
- insertNodeAtEnd(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Insert node into markup tree.
- insertNodeAtStart(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Insert a node into markup tree.
- insertNodeBeforeElement(Node, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Insert node into markup tree before element.
- insertspace -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- when space is moved after end tag.
- install(Attribute) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttributeTable
- installs a new Attribute.
- install(Dict) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- Installs a new tag in the tag table, or modify an existing one.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: invalid attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding: invalid NCR.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding: invalid sgml chars.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding: nvalid URI.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding: invalid utf16.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding: invalid utf8.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: invalid xml id.
- isBlank(Lexer) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Is the node content empty or blank?
- isBoolAttribute() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Is this a boolean attribute.
- isCharEncodingSupported(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Is the given character encoding supported?
- isCSS1Selector(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- In CSS1, selectors can contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, and Unicode characters 161-255, plus dash (-); they
cannot start with a dash or a digit; they can also contain escaped characters and any Unicode character as a
numeric code (see next item).
- isDefaultNamespace(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- isDescendantOf(Dict) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Is this node contained in a given tag?
- isDigit(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Is the given char a digit?
- isElement() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Is the node an element?
- isElementContentWhitespace() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMTextImpl
- isEndOfStream() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.StreamIn
- Has end of stream been reached?
- isEndOfStream() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- isEqualNode(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- isId() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- isJavaScript() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Used to check script node for script language.
- isKnownOption(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Is the given String a valid configuration flag?
- isLetter(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Is the given char a letter?
- isLiteral() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Attribute
- Is this a literal (unmodifiable) attribute?
- isLiteralAttribute(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttributeTable
- Does the given attibute contains a literal attribute?
- isLower(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Determines if the specified character is a lowercase character.
- isNamechar(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Is the given char valid in name?
- isNewNode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Is this a new (user defined) node?
- isNowrap() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Attribute
- Don't wrap this attribute?
- ISO2022 -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
- isPushed(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Is the node in the stack?
- isSameNode(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- isScript(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttributeTable
- Does the given attibute contains a script?
- isSupported(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- IStack - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Inline stack node.
- IStack() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.IStack
- istack -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- stack.
- istackbase -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- start of frame.
- isUpper(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Determines if the specified character is a uppercase character.
- isUrl(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttributeTable
- Does the given attibute contains an url?
- isValidAttrName(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Check if attr is a valid name.
- isvoyager -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- true if xmlns attribute on html element.
- isWhite(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Determines if the specified character is whitespace.
- isWord2000(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Clean
- Check if the current document is a converted Word document.
- item(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- item(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeListByTagNameImpl
- item(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeListImpl
- joinClasses -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- join multiple class attributes.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: joining attribute.
- joinStyles -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- join multiple style attributes.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- node type: jste tag.
- JTidyTask - Class in org.w3c.tidy.ant
- JTidy ant task.
- JTidyTask() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Keep first duplicate attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Keep last duplicate attribute.
- keepFileTimes -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- if yes last modied time is preserved.
- LANG -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "lang" and "xml:lang" attributes.
- language -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- RJ language property.
- last -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- last node.
- lastChar(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Return the last char in string.
- LATIN1 -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "lenght" attribute.
- lexbuf -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Lexer character buffer parse tree nodes span onto this buffer which contains the concatenated text contents of
all of the elements.
- Lexer - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Lexer for html parser.
- Lexer(StreamIn, Configuration, Report) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Instantiates a new Lexer.
- lexlength -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- allocated.
- lexsize -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- used.
- linebreak -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- true if followed by a line break.
- lines -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- lines seen.
- LINK -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckLINK instance.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "rel" and "rev" attributes.
- LIST -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for list.
- list2BQ(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Clean
- Some people use dir or ul without an li to indent the content.
- literalAttribs -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- if true attributes may use newlines.
- logicalEmphasis -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- replace i by em and b by strong.
- lookup(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttributeTable
- lookup an installed Attribute.
- lookup(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.EntityTable
- Lookup an entity by its name.
- lookup(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- Lookup a tag definition by its name.
- lookupNamespaceURI(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- lookupPrefix(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- utf16 low surrogate.
- lowerLiterals -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- folds known attribute values to lower case.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
- main(String[]) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Command line interface to parser and pretty printer.
- mainExec(String[]) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Main method, but returns the return code as an int instead of calling System.exit(code).
- makeBare -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Make bare HTML: remove Microsoft cruft.
- makeClean -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- remove presentational clutter.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- malformed comment.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- malformed doctype.
- MAP -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckMap instance.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- Max UTF-16 value.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- Max UTF-88 valid char value.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "media" attribute.
- messageReceived(TidyMessage) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessageListener
- Called by tidy when a warning or error occurs.
- META -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckMeta instance.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: missing attribute value.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: missing attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- missing doctype.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- missing end tag before.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- missing an end tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- accessibility flaw: missing image map.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- accessibility flaw: missing image map.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: missing image map.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- accessibility flaw: missing link alt.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: missing quotemark.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- invalid entity: missing semicolon.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- invalid entity: missing semicolon.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- missing start tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- accessibility flaw: missing summary.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- missing title element.
- missingBody(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints the "missing body" message.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- state: mixed content.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- mixed content in block.
- model -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- model (CM_* constants).
- moveBeforeTable(Node, Node, TagTable) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Unexpected content in table row is moved to just before the table in accordance with Netscape and IE.
- moveToHead(Lexer, Node, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- Move node to the head, where element is used as starting point in hunt for head.
- name -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Anchor
- Anchor name.
- NAME -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "name" attribute.
- name -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Tag name.
- name -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.StyleProp
- Style name.
- ncr -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- allow numeric character references.
- needsAuthorIntervention(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints the "needs author intervention" message.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- nested emphasis.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- nested quotation.
- nestedEmphasis(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Clean
- simplifies ...
- newline -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- bytes for the newline marker.
- newline() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.Out
- writes a newline.
- newline() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.OutJavaImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: newline in URI.
- newLineNode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Adds a new line node.
- newNode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Creates a new node and add it to nodelist.
- newNode(short, byte[], int, int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Creates a new node and add it to nodelist.
- newNode(short, byte[], int, int, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Creates a new node and add it to nodelist.
- next -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Anchor
- Next anchor.
- next -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- next AttVal.
- next -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.IStack
- Next element in the stack.
- next -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- next node.
- next -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Style
- Next linked style element.
- next -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.StyleProp
- Next linked style property.
- node -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Anchor
- linked node.
- Node - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Used for elements and text nodes element name is null for text nodes start and end are offsets into lexbuf which
contains the textual content of all elements in the parse tree.
- Node() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Instantiates a new text node.
- Node(short, byte[], int, int) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Instantiates a new node.
- Node(short, byte[], int, int, String, TagTable) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Instantiates a new node.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for noframes.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- noframes content.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding error: non ascii.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- non matching end tag.
- normalize() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- normalize() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- Do nothing: text nodes in html documents are important and jtidy already removes useless text during parsing.
- normalizeDocument() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "number" attribute.
- numEntities -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- use numeric entities.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- obsolete element.
- onlyErrors -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- if true normal output is suppressed.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for optgroup.
- org.w3c.tidy - package org.w3c.tidy
- org.w3c.tidy.ant - package org.w3c.tidy.ant
- Out - Interface in org.w3c.tidy
- Tidy Output interface.
- outc(int) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.Out
- writes an char.
- outc(byte) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.Out
- writes a byte.
- outc(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.OutJavaImpl
- outc(byte) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.OutJavaImpl
- OutFactory - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Tidy Output factory.
- OutJavaImpl - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Output implementation using java writers.
- OutJavaImpl(Configuration, String, OutputStream) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.OutJavaImpl
- Constructor.
- OutJavaImpl(Configuration, Writer) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.OutJavaImpl
- Constructor.
- parent -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- parent node.
- parse(String, String, Configuration) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.ParseProperty
- Parse a configuration option.
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.Parser
- Parse the given node.
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseBlock
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseBody
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseColGroup
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseDefList
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseEmpty
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseFrameSet
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseHead
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseHTML
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseInline
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseList
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseNoFrames
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseOptGroup
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParsePre
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseRow
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseRowGroup
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseScript
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseSelect
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseTableTag
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseText
- parse(Lexer, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseTitle
- parse(InputStream, OutputStream) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Reads from the given input and returns the root Node.
- parse(Reader, OutputStream) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Reads from the given input and returns the root Node.
- parse(Reader, Writer) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Reads from the given input and returns the root Node.
- parse(InputStream, Writer) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Reads from the given input and returns the root Node.
- parseAsp() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- parser for ASP within start tags Some people use ASP for to customize attributes Tidy isn't really well suited to
dealing with ASP This is a workaround for attributes, but won't deal with the case where the ASP is used to
tailor the attribute value.
- parseAttribute(boolean[], Node[], Node[]) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- consumes the '>' terminating start tags.
- parseAttrs(boolean[]) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Parse tag attributes.
- parseDocument(Lexer) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- HTML is the top level element.
- parseDOM(InputStream, OutputStream) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Parses InputStream in and returns a DOM Document node.
- parseEntity(short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Parse an html entity.
- parseFile(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Parses a property file.
- parsePhp() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- PHP is like ASP but is based upon XML processing instructions, e.g.
- ParseProperty - Interface in org.w3c.tidy
- Interface for configuration property parser.
- ParsePropertyImpl - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Property parser instances.
- Parser - Interface in org.w3c.tidy
- HTML Parser.
- ParserImpl - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- HTML Parser implementation.
- ParserImpl.ParseBlock - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for block elements.
- ParserImpl.ParseBlock() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseBlock
- ParserImpl.ParseBody - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for BODY.
- ParserImpl.ParseBody() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseBody
- ParserImpl.ParseColGroup - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for COLGROUP.
- ParserImpl.ParseColGroup() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseColGroup
- ParserImpl.ParseDefList - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for DEFLIST.
- ParserImpl.ParseDefList() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseDefList
- ParserImpl.ParseEmpty - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for empty elements.
- ParserImpl.ParseEmpty() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseEmpty
- ParserImpl.ParseFrameSet - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for FRAMESET.
- ParserImpl.ParseFrameSet() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseFrameSet
- ParserImpl.ParseHead - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for HEAD.
- ParserImpl.ParseHead() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseHead
- ParserImpl.ParseHTML - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for HTML.
- ParserImpl.ParseHTML() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseHTML
- ParserImpl.ParseInline - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for INLINE.
- ParserImpl.ParseInline() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseInline
- ParserImpl.ParseList - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for LIST.
- ParserImpl.ParseList() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseList
- ParserImpl.ParseNoFrames - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for NOFRAMES.
- ParserImpl.ParseNoFrames() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseNoFrames
- ParserImpl.ParseOptGroup - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for OPTGROUP.
- ParserImpl.ParseOptGroup() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseOptGroup
- ParserImpl.ParsePre - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for PRE.
- ParserImpl.ParsePre() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParsePre
- ParserImpl.ParseRow - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for ROW.
- ParserImpl.ParseRow() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseRow
- ParserImpl.ParseRowGroup - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for ROWGROUP.
- ParserImpl.ParseRowGroup() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseRowGroup
- ParserImpl.ParseScript - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for SCRIPT.
- ParserImpl.ParseScript() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseScript
- ParserImpl.ParseSelect - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for SELECT.
- ParserImpl.ParseSelect() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseSelect
- ParserImpl.ParseTableTag - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for TABLE.
- ParserImpl.ParseTableTag() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseTableTag
- ParserImpl.ParseText - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for text nodes.
- ParserImpl.ParseText() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseText
- ParserImpl.ParseTitle - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Parser for TITLE.
- ParserImpl.ParseTitle() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl.ParseTitle
- parseServerInstruction() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Invoked when < is seen in place of attribute value but terminates on whitespace if not ASP, PHP or Tango this
routine recognizes ' and " quoted strings.
- parseTag(Lexer, Node, short) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parseTagName() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Parses a tag name.
- parseValue(String, boolean, boolean[], int[]) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Parse an attribute value.
- parseXMLDocument(Lexer) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parseXMLElement(Lexer, Node, short) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- XML documents.
- php -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Php node.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- node type: php tag.
- popInline(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Pop a copy of an inline node from the stack.
- PPrint - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Pretty print parse tree.
- PPrint(Configuration) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.PPrint
- Instantiates a new PPrint.
- pprint(Document, OutputStream) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Pretty-prints a DOM Document.
- pprint(Node, OutputStream) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Pretty-prints a DOM Node.
- PRE -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for pre.
- preContent(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Is content acceptable for pre elements?
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- state: preformatted.
- preTraverse(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeListByTagNameImpl
- Traverse the node list.
- prev -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- pevious node.
- printSlide(Out, short, int, Lexer) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.PPrint
- Called from printTree to print the content of a slide from the node slidecontent.
- printTree(Out, short, int, Lexer, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.PPrint
- printXMLTree(Out, short, int, Lexer, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.PPrint
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- node type: .
- processFile(File, File) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- Run tidy on a file.
- properties -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Style
- Style properties.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: proprietary attribute value.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: proprietary attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- proprietary element.
- pruneSection(Lexer, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Clean
- node is
purgeWord2000Attributes(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Clean
Remove word2000 attributes from node.
pushed -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
true after token has been pushed back.
pushInline(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
Push a copy of an inline node onto stack but don't push if implicit or OBJECT or APPLET (implicit tags are ones
generated from the istack) One issue arises with pushing inlines when the tag is already pushed.
putUTF8(byte[], int, int) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.PPrint
store char c as UTF-8 encoded byte stream.
- quiet -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- no 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary.
- quoteAmpersand -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- output naked ampersand as &.
- quoteMarks -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- output " marks as ".
- quoteNbsp -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- output non-breaking space as entity.
- RAW -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated. use
for raw output
- rawOut -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Avoid mapping values > 127 to entities.
- readChar() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.StreamIn
- Read a char.
- readChar() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- readCharFromStream() -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.StreamIn
- reads a char from the stream.
- readCharFromStream() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Release date.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Release date String.
- removeAttribute(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- removeAttribute(AttVal) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Remove an attribute from node and then free it.
- removeAttributeNode(Attr) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- removeAttributeNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- removeChild(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- Not supported.
- removeChild(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- removeNamedItem(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- removeNamedItemNS(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- Not supported, returns
- removeNode() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Extract this node and its children from a markup tree.
- renameNode(Node, String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- repairDuplicateAttributes(Lexer) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- The same attribute name can't be used more than once in each element.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: repeated attribute.
- replaceChild(Node, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- Not supported.
- replaceChild(Node, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- replaceColor -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- replace hex color attribute values with names.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- char has been replaced.
- replaceData(int, int, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCharacterDataImpl
- Not supported.
- replacementCharEncoding -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- char encoding used when replacing illegal SGML chars, regardless of specified encoding.
- replaceWholeText(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMTextImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- replacing element.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- replacing unexcaped element.
- report -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Report instance.
- report -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- report.
- Report - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Error/informational message reporter.
- Report() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Instantiated only in Tidy() constructor.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Constant used for reporting of version summary.
- reportNumberOfSlides(PrintWriter, int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints the number of generated slides.
- reportNumWarnings(PrintWriter, Lexer) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints the number of error/warnings found.
- reportVersion(PrintWriter, Lexer, String, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints information for html version in input file.
- root -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Root node is saved here.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- node type: root.
- ROW -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for row.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for rowgroup.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "scope" attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for scripts.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for script.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckSCRIPT instance.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "scroll" attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- node type: section tag.
- seenEndBody -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- already seen end body tag?
- seenEndHtml -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- already seen end html tag?
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for select.
- setAltText(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- default text for alt attribute.
- setAsciiChars(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- convert quotes and dashes to nearest ASCII char.
- setAsp(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Setter for
- setAttribute(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Setter for
- setAttribute(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- setAttributeNode(Attr) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- setAttributeNS(String, String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- setBreakBeforeBR(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- break-before-br - output newline before <br>.
- setBurstSlides(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- create slides on each h2 element.
- setChkattrs(TagCheck) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Setter for
- setConfiguration(Configuration) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- Setter for the current configuration instance.
- setConfigurationFromFile(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Sets the configuration from a configuration file.
- setConfigurationFromProps(Properties) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Sets the configuration from a properties object.
- setData(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCharacterDataImpl
- Not supported.
- setData(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMProcessingInstructionImpl
- setDelim(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Setter for
- setDestdir(File) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- setDestfile(File) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- setDict(Attribute) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Setter for
- setDocType(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- user specified doctype.
- setDocumentURI(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- setDropEmptyParas(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- discard empty p elements.
- setDropFontTags(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- discard presentation tags.
- setDropProprietaryAttributes(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- discard proprietary attributes.
- setEmacs(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true format error output for GNU Emacs.
- setEncloseBlockText(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true text in blocks is wrapped in <p>'s.
- setEncloseText(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true text at body is wrapped in <p>'s.
- setErrfile(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Errfile - file name to write errors to.
- setErrout(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- setEscapeCdata(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- replace CDATA sections with escaped text.
- setFailonerror(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- setFilename(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Sets the current file name.
- setFixBackslash(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- fix URLs by replacing \ with /.
- setFixComments(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- fix comments with adjacent hyphens.
- setFixUri(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- fix uri references applying URI encoding if necessary.
- setFlatten(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- setForceOutput(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output document even if errors were found.
- setHideComments(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- hides all (real) comments in output.
- setHideEndTags(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- hide-endtags - suppress optional end tags.
- setIdAttribute(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- setIdAttributeNode(Attr, boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- setIdAttributeNS(String, String, boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMElementImpl
- setInCharEncoding(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated. use setInCharEncodingName(String)
- setInCharEncodingName(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Setter for
- setIndentAttributes(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- newline+indent before each attribute.
- setIndentCdata(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- indent CDATA sections.
- setIndentContent(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- indent - indent content of appropriate tags.
- setInOutEncodingName(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Setter for
- setInputEncoding(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
the character encoding used for input.
- setInputStreamName(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- InputStreamName - the name of the input stream (printed in the header information).
- setJoinClasses(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- join multiple class attributes.
- setJoinStyles(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- join multiple style attributes.
- setKeepFileTimes(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true last modified time is preserved.
- setLexer(Lexer) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.StreamIn
- Setter for lexer instance (needed for error reporting).
- setLexer(Lexer) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- setLiteral(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Attribute
- Is this a literal (unmodifiable) attribute?
- setLiteralAttribs(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if true attributes may use newlines.
- setLogicalEmphasis(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- replace i by em and b by strong.
- setLowerLiterals(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- folds known attribute values to lower case.
- setMakeBare(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- make-bare - remove Microsoft cruft.
- setMakeClean(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- make-clean - remove presentational clutter.
- setMessageListener(TidyMessageListener) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Attach a TidyMessageListener which will be notified for messages and errors.
- setNamedItem(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- setNamedItemNS(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrMapImpl
- Not supported, returns
- setNext(AttVal) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Setter for
- setNodeValue(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- setNodeValue(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- setNowrap(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Attribute
- Don't wrap this attribute?
- setNumEntities(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output entities other than the built-in HTML entities in the numeric rather
than the named entity form.
- setOnlyErrors(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- only-errors - if true normal output is suppressed.
- setOutCharEncoding(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated. use setOutCharEncodingName(String)
- setOutCharEncodingName(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Setter for
- setOutputEncoding(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
the character encoding used for output.
- setParser(Parser) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Setter for
- setPhp(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Setter for
- setPrefix(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- setPrintBodyOnly(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output BODY content only.
- setProperties(File) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- setQuiet(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- quiet - no 'Parsing X', guessed DTD or summary.
- setQuoteAmpersand(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output naked ampersand as &.
- setQuoteMarks(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output " marks as ".
- setQuoteNbsp(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output non-breaking space as entity.
- setRawOut(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- avoid mapping values > 127 to entities.
- setRepeatedAttributes(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- keep first or last duplicate attribute.
- setReplaceColor(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- replace hex color attribute values with names.
- setShowErrors(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- set the number of errors to put out.
- setShowWarnings(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- show-warnings - show warnings?
- setSmartIndent(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- SmartIndent - does text/block level content effect indentation.
- setSpaces(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- default indentation.
- setSrcfile(File) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- setStrictErrorChecking(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- setTabsize(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- tab size in chars.
- setTextContent(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- setTidyMark(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- add meta element indicating tidied doc.
- setTrimEmptyElements(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- trim empty elements.
- setType(short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Setter for node type.
- setUpperCaseAttrs(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- uppercase-attributes - output attributes in upper case.
- setUpperCaseTags(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- uppercase-tags - output tags in upper case.
- setUserData(String, Object, UserDataHandler) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- setValue(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Setter for
- setValue(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMAttrImpl
- setWord2000(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- draconian cleaning for Word2000.
- setWrapAsp(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within ASP pseudo elements.
- setWrapAttVals(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within attribute values.
- setWrapJste(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within JSTE pseudo elements.
- setWraplen(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- default wrap margin.
- setWrapPhp(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within PHP pseudo elements.
- setWrapScriptlets(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within JavaScript string literals.
- setWrapSection(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- wrap within <!
- setWriteback(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- writeback - if true then output tidied markup.
- setXHTML(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output-xhtml - output extensible HTML.
- setXHTMLDocType(Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Adds a new xhtml doctype to the document.
- setXmlOut(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- output-xml - create output as XML.
- setXmlPi(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- add <?
- setXmlPIs(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
This option specifies if Tidy should change the parsing of processing
instructions to require ?
- setXmlSpace(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- if set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed.
- setXmlStandalone(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
- setXmlTags(boolean) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- input-xml - treat input as XML.
- setXmlVersion(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMDocumentImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "shape" attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
- showErrors -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- number of errors to put out.
- showVersion(PrintWriter) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- print version information.
- showWarnings -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- however errors are always shown.
- slidestyle -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated. does nothing
- smartIndent -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- does text/block level content effect indentation.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- space preceding xml declaration.
- spaces -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- default indentation.
- splitText(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMTextImpl
- start -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- start of span onto text array.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Start of an end tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Start tag.
- state -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- state of lexer's finite state machine.
- StreamIn - Interface in org.w3c.tidy
- Input Stream.
- StreamInFactory - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Tidy Input factory.
- StreamInJavaImpl - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- StreamIn Implementation using java writers.
- StreamInJavaImpl(InputStream, String, int) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- Instantiates a new StreamInJavaImpl.
- StreamInJavaImpl(Reader, int) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- Instantiates a new StreamInJavaImpl.
- stripSpan(Lexer, Node) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Clean
- Word2000 uses span excessively, so we strip span out.
- Style - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Linked list of class names and styles.
- Style(String, String, String, Style) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.Style
- Instantiates a new style.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckSTYLE instance.
- StyleProp - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Linked list of style properties.
- StyleProp(String, String, StyleProp) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.StyleProp
- Instantiates a new style property.
- styles -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- used for cleaning up presentation markup.
- substringData(int, int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMCharacterDataImpl
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage.Level
- level = summary (0).
- supports(String, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.DOMNodeImpl
- DOM2 - not implemented.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- suspected missing quote.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckTABLE instance.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl
- CheckTableCell instance.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for table.
- tabsize -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- default tab size (8).
- tag -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.IStack
- tag's dictionary definition.
- tag -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- tag's dictionary definition.
- tag -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Style
- Tag name.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- tag not allowed in.
- tagA -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- a tag.
- tagApplet -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- applet tag.
- tagArea -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- area tag.
- tagB -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- b tag.
- tagBase -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- base tag.
- tagBig -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- big tag.
- tagBlink -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- a proprietary tag added by Tidy, along with tag_nobr, tag_wbr.
- tagBlockquote -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- blockquote tag.
- tagBody -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- body tag.
- tagBr -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- br tag.
- tagCaption -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- caption tag.
- tagCenter -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- center tag.
- TagCheck - Interface in org.w3c.tidy
- Check HTML attributes.
- TagCheckImpl - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Check HTML attributes implementation.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckAnchor - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for anchors.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckAnchor() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckAnchor
- TagCheckImpl.CheckAREA - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for area.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckAREA() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckAREA
- TagCheckImpl.CheckCaption - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for table caption.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckCaption() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckCaption
- TagCheckImpl.CheckForm - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for forms.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckForm() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckForm
- TagCheckImpl.CheckHR - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for hr.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckHR() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckHR
- TagCheckImpl.CheckHTML - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for html tag.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckHTML() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckHTML
- TagCheckImpl.CheckIMG - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for image tags.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckIMG() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckIMG
- TagCheckImpl.CheckLINK - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- add missing type attribute when appropriate.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckLINK() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckLINK
- TagCheckImpl.CheckMap - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for image maps.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckMap() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckMap
- TagCheckImpl.CheckMeta - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for meta tags.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckMeta() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckMeta
- TagCheckImpl.CheckSCRIPT - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for script tags.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckSCRIPT() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckSCRIPT
- TagCheckImpl.CheckSTYLE - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for style tags.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckSTYLE() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckSTYLE
- TagCheckImpl.CheckTABLE - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for table.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckTABLE() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckTABLE
- TagCheckImpl.CheckTableCell - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Checker implementation for table cells.
- TagCheckImpl.CheckTableCell() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagCheckImpl.CheckTableCell
- tagClass -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Style
- Tag class.
- tagCol -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- col tag.
- tagColgroup -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- colgroup tag.
- tagDd -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- dd tag.
- tagDir -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- dir tag.
- tagDiv -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- div tag.
- tagDl -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- dl tag.
- tagDt -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- dt tag.
- tagEm -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- em tag.
- tagFont -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- font tag.
- tagForm -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- form tag.
- tagFrame -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- frame tag.
- tagFrameset -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- frameset tag.
- tagH1 -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- h1 tag.
- tagH2 -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- h2 tag.
- tagHead -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- head tag.
- tagHr -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- hr tag.
- tagHtml -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- html tag.
- tagI -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- i tag.
- tagIframe -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- iframe tag.
- tagImg -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- img tag.
- tagInput -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- input tag.
- tagLayer -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- layer tag.
- tagLi -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- li tag.
- tagLink -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- link tag.
- tagListing -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- listing tag.
- tagMap -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- map tag.
- tagMeta -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- meta tag.
- tagNobr -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- nobr tag.
- tagNoframes -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- noframes tag.
- tagNoscript -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- noscript tag.
- tagObject -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- object tag.
- tagOl -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- ol tag.
- tagOptgroup -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- optgroup tag.
- tagOption -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- option tag.
- tagP -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- p tag.
- tagParam -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- param tag.
- tagPre -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- pre tag.
- tagQ -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- tag.
- tagScript -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- script tag.
- tagSmall -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- small tag.
- tagSpacer -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- spacer tag.
- tagSpan -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- span tag.
- tagStrong -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- strong tag.
- tagStyle -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- style tag.
- TagTable - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Tag dictionary node hash table.
- TagTable() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- Instantiates a new tag table with known tags.
- tagTable -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- table tag.
- tagTd -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- td tag.
- tagTextarea -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- textarea tag.
- tagTh -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- th tag.
- tagTitle -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- title tag.
- tagTr -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- tr tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- types of tags that the user can define: block tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- types of tags that the user can define: empty tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- types of tags that the user can define: inline tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- types of tags that the user can define: pre tag.
- tagUl -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- ul tag.
- tagWbr -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- wbr tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "target" attribute.
- TEXT -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for text attributes.
- TEXT -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for text.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- node type: text.
- textarray -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- the text array.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "dir" attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for table "frame" attribute.
- Tidy - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- HTML parser and pretty printer.
- Tidy() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.Tidy
- Instantiates a new Tidy instance.
- TidyBeanInfo - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- BeanInfo for Tidy.
- TidyBeanInfo() -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TidyBeanInfo
- tidyMark -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- add meta element indicating tidied doc.
- TidyMessage - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Message sent to listeners for validation errors/warnings and info.
- TidyMessage(int, int, int, TidyMessage.Level, String) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage
- Instantiates a new message.
- TidyMessage.Level - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Message severity enumeration.
- TidyMessageListener - Interface in org.w3c.tidy
- Listener interface for validation errors/warnings and info.
- TidyUtils - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- Utility class with handy methods, mainly for String handling or for reproducing c behaviours.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
- parser for title.
- toIana(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingNameMapper
- Convert a Java character encoding name to its IANA equivalent.
- toJava(String) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingNameMapper
- Converts an encoding name to the standard java name.
- token -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- current node.
- toLower(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Maps the given character to its lowercase equivalent.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- too many element.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- too many elements in.
- toString() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- toString() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage.Level
- toUpper(char) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyUtils
- Maps the given character to its uppercase equivalent.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- trim empty element.
- trimEmpty -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- trim empty elements.
- trimEmptyElement(Lexer, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Trim an empty element.
- trimInitialSpace(Lexer, Node, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- This maps
<p> hello <em> world </em>
to <p> hello <em> world </em>
- trimSpaces(Lexer, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- Move initial and trailing space out.
- trimTrailingSpace(Lexer, Node, Node) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- This maps hello world to hello world .
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for table "rules" attribute.
- tt -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- TagTable associated with this Configuration.
- txtend -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- end of current node.
- txtstart -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- start of current node.
- TYPE -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "type" attribute.
- type -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- TextNode, StartTag, EndTag etc.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- invalid entity: unescaped ampersand.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- unescaped element.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- unexpected end of file.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: unexpected end of file.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- unexpected end tag.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- unexpected endag in.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: expected equalsign.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: unexpected gt.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: unexpected quotemark.
- ungetChar(int) -
Method in interface org.w3c.tidy.StreamIn
- Unget a char.
- ungetChar(int) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.StreamInJavaImpl
- ungetToken() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- the default (big-endian) UNICODE BOM.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- the big-endian (default) UNICODE BOM.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- the little-endian UNICODE BOM.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: unknown attribute.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- unknown element.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- invalid entity: unknown entity.
- unknownFile(PrintWriter, String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints the "unknown file" message.
- unknownOption(String) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints an "unknown option" error message.
- unknownOption(PrintWriter, char) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints the "unknown option" message.
- updateNodeTextArrays(byte[], byte[]) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- Update
in the current nodes.
- upperCaseAttrs -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- output attributes in upper not lower case.
- upperCaseTags -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- output tags in upper not lower case.
- URL -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for URLs.
- URLS -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for attributes which contain a list of urls.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- presentation flaw: using body.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- unsing br in place of.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- presentation flaw: using font.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- accessibility flaw: using frames.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- presentation flaw: using layer.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- presentation flaw: using nobr.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- accessibility flaw: using noframes.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- presentation flaw: using spacer.
- UTF16 -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- UTF-16 surrogate pair areas: high surrogates begin.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- UTF-16 surrogate pair areas: high surrogates end.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- UTF-16 surrogate pair areas: low surrogates begin.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- UTF-16 surrogate pair areas: low surrogates end.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.EncodingUtils
- UTF-16 surrogates begin.
- UTF16BE -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
- UTF16LE -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
- UTF8 -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
- validateParameters() -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.ant.JTidyTask
- Validates task parameters.
- ValidUTF8Sequence - Class in org.w3c.tidy
- ValidUTF8Sequence(int, int, int, char[]) -
Constructor for class org.w3c.tidy.ValidUTF8Sequence
- Instantiates a new ValidUTF8Sequence.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "valign" attribute.
- value -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttVal
- Attribute value.
- value -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.StyleProp
- Style value.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding: vendor specific chars.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- tags/attrs in any version.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: xhtml basic.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- versions with on... attributes.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: html 4.0 frameset.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- tags/attrs in all versions from HTML 3.2 onwards.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: html 2.0.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: html 3.2.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- tags/attrs in HTML4 but not in earlier version.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: html 4.0 transitional.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: html 4.0 strict.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- tags/attrs in HTML 4 loose and frameset.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- tags/attrs which are in all versions of HTML except strict.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: malformed.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: microsoft.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: netscape.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- all tags and attributes are ok in proprietary version of HTML.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: sun.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: unknown.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: xhtml 1.1.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version: xml.
- versions -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Dict
- Version in which this tag is defined.
- versions -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- bit vector of HTML versions.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.AttrCheckImpl
- checker for "vtype" attribute.
- warning(Lexer, Node, Node, short) -
Method in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- Prints warnings.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TidyMessage.Level
- level = warning (2).
- warnings -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- count of warnings in this document.
- was -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- old tag when it was changed.
- waswhite -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Lexer
- used to collapse contiguous white space.
- WIN1252 -
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- Deprecated.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- character encoding error: windows chars.
- word2000 -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- draconian cleaning for Word2000.
- wrapAsp -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- wrap within ASP pseudo elements.
- wrapAttVals -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- wrap within attribute values.
- wrapJste -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- wrap within JSTE pseudo elements.
- wraplen -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- default wrap margin (68).
- wrapPhp -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- wrap within PHP pseudo elements.
- wrapScriptlets -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- wrap within JavaScript string literals.
- wrapSection -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- wrap within CDATA section tags.
- writeback -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- if true then output tidied markup.
- xHTML -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- output extensible HTML.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: xml attribute value.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Node
- node type: doctype.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Report
- attribute: id sintax.
Static variable in class org.w3c.tidy.TagTable
- dummy entry for all xml tags.
- xmlOut -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- create output as XML.
- xmlPi -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
- add
xmlPIs -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
If set to yes PIs must end with ?
XMLPreserveWhiteSpace(Node, TagTable) -
Static method in class org.w3c.tidy.ParserImpl
Indicates whether or not whitespace should be preserved for this element.
xmlSpace -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
if set to yes adds xml:space attr as needed.
xmlTags -
Variable in class org.w3c.tidy.Configuration
treat input as XML.
All Classes
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